Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy 4th of July

We had a busy 4th of July weekend.  Saturday party Garet had a Birthday party to go to for a good friend of his. He is really getting into the birthday parties right now. Alot of his friends have birthdays around this time of year.  He now knows how to sing happy birthday and know that after we sing to the person that he should be getting some cake shortly after that. It is to much fun watching him with all the other kids at the party.

Sunday the Boys and I got up and went to Papa's new church. This Sunday was my dads first Sunday at his new church in Yulee FL.  It was fun and exciting to see him back up in front of the church sending out Gods message. Garet has gotten used to having Papa sitting with us in church and not up in front of everyone.  Garet just stared at him like why are you up there.  Then when Papa would sit down Garet would say that Papa was hiding and that he needed to come out.  The things that come out a 2 year old mouth are just to funny some times.

After Church Sunday we went over to Grannies (Matts mom) house to go swimming.  We had a very nice afternoon by the pool and cooking out on the grill. Reed got to swimming for the first time.  We have put his toes in the pool before but this was the first time that we put on his swim trunks and took him into the pool. He was not to sure at first but then started splashing his arms and legs.  He seemed to have a great time.  Garet is now becoming quite the swimmer.  When he has his arm swimmies on he does not want anyone to hold him. He want to swim all by himself. My prediction is that by next summer he will be swimming with out his arm floaties.

Onto Monday. We got up and went to the Middleburg parade.  This was both of the boys first time to go to a parade.  Garet thought the fact that people were throwing candy at him was the coolest thing ever. He would pick up a piece of candy and run it back to his wagon and then run back to pick  up more. Again to funny the way there little minds work.

Garet waiting for the parade to start.

 Reed in his 4th of July get up at the parade
 Matt had bought some sparklers and fountain fireworks for us to set off that night. So before bed we went back outside and did some sparklers.  It was lot of fun. The look on Garets face every time he does something new or sees something for the first time is priceless. I can no wait to see those expressions on Reeds face as he grown and learn. After everyone had there baths and showers for the night we went back outside and Matt did the fountain fireworks.  There were so colorful and Garet has been talking about them ever since that night.
Over all it was a very nice weekend and I think we need to have more 3 day weekends.  I hope everyone had a great weekend as well. 

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